What is he like — a modern Superdad?

What should a modern dad be like? What makes him the best for his child? Who are the modern Super Dads, and what qualities do they possess? In this article, we’ll try to answer these and other questions.
Spider-Man once said, «With great power comes great responsibility.» This quote has been repeated thousands of times, and it fits perfectly for men who have young children. And not just because dads are responsible for new life. The truth is, they are our superheroes. All kids believe their dads are omnipotent: they can run faster than the famous athlete Usain Bolt, lift heavy objects like the Hulk, and even have eyes on the back of their heads. That’s why the #SuperDad campaign, celebrating our “everyday” superheroes, is becoming increasingly popular online.
Let’s try to answer the most important question: “What is a modern Super Dad like?”
Biography: The Super Dad Homebody expertly handles diapers, knows how to prepare finger foods, and can watch the animated series Peppa Pig for hours without going crazy.
Hobbies: This Superhero spends most of his time playing with his kids and driving them to school. You might also catch him listening to the Frozen soundtrack long after the child has already left the car!
Favorite Food: Cold leftovers of mashed potatoes from the kid’s plate.
Favorite Drinks: Coffee. No further explanation needed.
Biography: The Handyman Super Dad believes he’s the best at assembling IKEA furniture (although that’s not always true). You’ll often find him staring thoughtfully at a wobbly shelf or a door hanging by one hinge. With the best intentions, he tries to involve his kids in the DIY process when crafting something with his own hands.
Hobbies: When this Super Dad isn’t running around hardware stores looking for the most powerful electric drill, he’s teaching his kids his skills and giving useful tips, using toy tools or watching Bob the Builder on TV.
Favorite Food: He loves barbecuing because it gives him a chance to impress guests and spend the day outdoors with his kids.
Favorite Drinks: Beer. It’s the perfect complement to a barbecue and a great refreshment for those who are handy.
Biography: You’ll find the Traveler Super Dad sitting in a tree in the forest or paddling down a river in a kayak with his kids happily singing along. The best family vacation for this superhero is long trips or nature outings. He also loves organizing fun games with his family.
Hobbies: When the Traveler Super Dad isn’t hiking or heading to the coast, he enjoys taking long road trips to the countryside, munching on tasty treats with the kids along the way.
Favorite Food: Cheese and pickle sandwiches, but the best is a family picnic at the end of an expedition.
Favorite Drinks: Tea in a thermos.
Biography: The Fun-Loving Super Dad is always the center of attention—kids laugh at his funny jokes or silly faces. He knows how to cheer up his family even during the toughest times. The imagination of this Super Dad is boundless. Every day, he can invent new games for the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest.
Hobbies: On Saturday afternoons, you’ll often find the Fun-Loving Super Dad flying a kite in the backyard or dancing in the living room with his kids, sometimes playing the role of the tickle monster!
Favorite Food: Biscuit cookies—Oreo, Choco-Pie… anything!
Favorite Drinks: Coca-Cola. Where else would he get all that energy?
Biography: This is an extraordinary Super Dad—he’s the best! The Seasoned Super Dad always has interesting stories to tell and some sweet treats in the car, and he’s sure to have a jar of cookies for his kids. Moreover, this Super Dad is always ready to seriously and attentively listen to his child and share advice.
Hobbies: On weekdays, the Seasoned Super Dad often picks up the kids from kindergarten or school after lunch. On weekends, you might see him with the kids at a football match in a VIP box. He also enjoys doing many things that mom forbids.
Favorite Food: Hamburgers, because they remind him of his childhood.
Favorite Drinks: He tells everyone it’s beer, but in reality, it’s a strong whiskey on the rocks.