10 Things I Learned When I Became a Dad for the First Time

The baby is born, the initial excitement has settled, the wave of congratulating relatives and friends has subsided, and new responsibilities start to weigh on the new parents, brought by the arrival of a newborn. While women often prepare for motherhood from a young age, for many dads, the changes in their lives become a real source of stress. Let’s take a look through the eyes of young (and not so young) fathers at the changes they have to adapt to.
The birth of a child is a pivotal moment in anyone’s life. You begin to learn a lot about yourself and what you are capable of under immense pressure and sleep deprivation. We know that it’s impossible to fully prepare for the changes a newborn brings into your life. Nevertheless, we decided to ask our favorite bloggers who write about fatherhood, as well as our colleagues on Facebook, what they have learned since the arrival of their child. So, if you know any expectant dads, share these sincere impressions with them.
- «When making ‘pfff’ sounds and playing peek-a-boo doesn’t work… it’s time to find Mom!» (Alex, Facebook)
- «Before I became a dad, I had no idea what real sleep deprivation was. Now I know. Parenthood is relentless and unforgiving like nothing else; add minimal sleep to the mix, and you’ll understand what it means to be a parent.» (Albert, Dad Network)
- «Your own baby’s poop isn’t that scary after all!» (Herman, Facebook)
- «It’s amazing, but when you become a dad, you instantly realize how much you resemble your own father! I find myself constantly saying to my little one the same things my dad said to me when I was little… It’s eerie!» (Mark, Facebook)
- «Never lift your child above your head like Simba the lion cub—they might spit up on your bald spot, and that never looks good on anyone!» (Victor, Facebook)
- «Sleep is for the weak!» (Dan, Dad Network)
- «Patience… It’s so easy to lose and so hard to find… Yet, whenever possible, try to keep your patience, because it’s so important for those around you.» (Pavel, Facebook)
- «What is fatherhood? It’s when there’s never too much coffee and baby wipes.» (Lee, Dad Download)
- «I’ve finally mastered the art of pinning down two arms and two legs to change the diaper of a squirming little one!» (Alex, Facebook)
- «The main takeaway—don’t have more kids!» (Alexander, Facebook, father of 3)